intention of Satan is to corrupt the creation of God, to make man
a beast and break his relation with God. Satan already did it in
the Eden and now he is doing it in the present. Satan destroys our
relation with God corrupting our knowledge of the plan of salvation,
by creating other systems of belief, by promoting the occult, by
debasing man, he destroys our relationship with God. |
there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall
shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible,
shall deceive the very elect. Behold, I have told you before. (Mt.

False Messiahs |
if a UFO, a flying saucer, were to land not too far from the United
Nations in New York and a four-and-half-foot tall creature come
out, walking awkwardly, to the amazement of a large contingent
of reporters and television cameras? The creature is around eighty
pounds, has oval widely spaced eyes in recessed eye sockets, a
head larger than ours, no body hair, a slit for a mouth with practically
no lips. Its skin is smooth and gray. Its eyes reflect the wisdom
of the ages. It communicates without moving its mouth through telepathy.
It speaks in the minds of those present that, although it may be unfamiliar to
us, its species knows man well. They have been guiding man's evolution
for thousands of years. They were the ones who communicated to
Krishna, Buddha, Moses, Jesus and Mohammed, and gave them spiritual
revelation. They were the ones who were behind the miracles many
of these prophecies did. Their goal is to purify the race, to bring
an era of world peace. As those assembled absorb the message, as
the message is relayed via satellite to four billion people, a
reverent awe descends on mankind.
This being, whose eyes are peaceful limpid pools
of light and whose voice is a gentle brush in one's mind, has come
to usher in a new era which it calls Universal Peace and compares
it to the biblically prophesied Millennium. It tells us that every
man, woman, and child must enter into communication with them through
meditation. There will be a lot more flying saucers landing across
the planet to facilitate this great plan which will be a quantum
leap in man's evolution. Man's consciousness must undergo an "unfoldment" to once and for all subdue his latent aggression. These wise beings will serve
as guiding angels to fulfill the Universe's ultimate destiny for
All will have to comply. The myths of the past
must be brushed aside. Men's gods suited their purposes in their
time, but now man must reach within, with the help of these wise
angels, and learn to achieve his full potential in order to fit
into the Universal Plan. Poverty, disease, war, will all be memories
of the past. Men will now gain marvelous new powers as they gradually
unfold as gods. That's what the prophets had sought to teach man,
and now these gentle beings will complete the task.
A handsome young man comes out of a cave in the
Middle East. He is bearded. He is of a copper complexion, but what
strikes us most are his eyes, full of compassion and wisdom. His
message spreads like wildfire across the planet, a message of universal
brotherhood. His followers claim him as the return of the Hidden
Imam, the last of the twelve prophets of Islam who disappeared
as a boy in the same cave as a child decades ago. He claims he
is the last true prophet of God.
There has never been such a charismatic presidential
candidate. He reminds the voters and pundits of John Kennedy: suave,
eloquent, a movie star. But he is a fiscal "conservative," and firmly believes in free market economics, an unsurpassed military capacity,
and a bright new non toxic future for all the people of the global
community, the current politically correct refrain. "Fairness" will be the name of his administration: fairness for those of all races, of
all sexual persuasions. "Freedom" will ring across the land: freedom for the rights of women, freedom for unrestricted
abortion and euthanasia on demand, freedom for the elderly to cannibalize
the organs of fetuses to bring new life into their feeble bodies,
freedom to make sure all children are uniformly exposed to the "new" non absolute truths of the 'if it feels good, then do it' variety through a
government imposed curriculum.
What's wrong with the preceding scenarios? The
messages these scenarios bring are contradictory to God's word.
God came in the flesh and revealed Himself. We do not need aliens
or fallen angels preaching to us a different gospel and showing
us a non-Biblical road to "salvation." We don't need a slick politician enacting an agenda that flies in the face of
God's absolute laws of what is right and what is wrong. The Bible
tells us, "even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light" (2 Cor. 11:14). Satan will not reveal himself as the bloody butcher he is; he
is the master of deception. Jesus Himself told us in John 8:44,
referring to Satan, "he is a liar, and the father of lies," and "he was a murderer from the beginning."
As a liar, Satan is very adept at concocting all
types of doctrines that take away from the true gospel, twist important
theological points, or present to us a completely different gospel.
As an example, if you deny that Jesus was God incarnate, then His
sacrifice could not have been perfect for all eternity because
only God is perfect. If a man had died on the cross, then his death
would not have been an acceptable atonement for the sins of the
If you deny the resurrection or the trinity, you
are saying that Jesus was a man after all. If you deny the concept
of sin, you deny the need for atonement. If you compare Jesus with
other "great prophets," you take away from His uniqueness. If you believe you can become god, you have
no need for a savior. If you do not believe in hell, you are belittling
God's sacrifice to keep you out of that place of eternal damnation
where He is not. |

Angels With Different Gospels
Bible instructs us, "even though we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary
to that which we preached to you, let him be accursed" (Gal. 1:8). Michael and his angels, as we saw earlier, cast Satan and his angels
out of heaven. These discarnate entities have been around since
the dawn of time interfering in God's plan for man. They can overshadow
the minds of those who lose conscious control of their minds through
sin, lust, drugs, alcohol, meditation, yoga, chanting, visualization,
mind control, or violence (including media fabricated fictional
violence). They can appear as visions, or actually materialize
in bodily form. In furtherance of Satan's deception in Eden, these
fallen angels are quite adept at preaching "different gospels" and creating new "religious systems."
Having interfered in human affairs since the time of Adam and Eve, they can relate
past events. They enter and possess the body of channelers under
the pretext of being some type of enlightened being and foretell
the future. They can heal the sick. They can realize the spells
of those in sorcery. They can bring about the fantasies of those
who practice "positive thinking" and "positive affirmation." They can create havoc in churches catering to those who seek "signs and wonders" without exercising spiritual discernment.
When it comes to spiritual matters, we are very
vulnerable to the counterfeit. If we don't have a frame of reference
as the Biblical worldview furnishes, even the most vehement atheist
can be duped—especially an atheist because that person will be
overwhelmed by any spiritual manifestation which he cannot explain.
A society, such as ours, which for many decades denied the supernatural,
is easy prey to the counterfeit. America was preoccupied with its "manifest destiny" in the post-Civil War period and with its industrial expansion through both
World Wars and in the 1950s.
In the early 1960s, a counterculture sprang up,
rebelling against materialism and against the marginal, lukewarm
surface Christianity of the adults. This counterculture turned
to drugs and the doctrines of the East. It espoused "free love," but practiced lust in all its aberrations.
The counterculture of the 60s is now the dominant
culture of today. The spawn of "free love" is now visible in rampant and legalized abortion. There is an insatiable appetite
for the occult. Movies, television shows, and books dealing with
death, the macabre, and the supernatural are phenomenally successful.
Barbara Tuchman, in her well-researched book "A
Distant Mirror," describes the cult of death which was present in Europe in the 15th century: |
Artists dwell on physical rot in ghoulish detail: worms wriggling through every corpse, bloated toads sat on dead eyeballs. A mocking, beckoning, gleeful Death led the parade of the Danse Macabre around innumerable frescoed walls. The rape of virgins was enacted with startling realism; in realistic dummies, the body of Christ was viciously cut and hacked by the soldiers, or a child was roasted and eaten by its mother. |
this sounds disgusting, just go to the video store and take a look
at some of the offerings. The theme of death, corpses, vampires,
female abuse, sodomy, mutilation, serial murders, and other forms
of violence are well represented and pass as "entertainment." Going hand in hand with this cult of death is a deep fascination with occult
themes: haunted houses, werewolves, spiritism, psychic powers,
reincarnation, communication with the dead (or rather demonic impersonations
of the dead), flying saucers, astrology, palmistry, witchcraft (whether white or black), etc. These themes permeate our society
to such an extent that Saturday morning cartoons are saturated
with these pictures. Movies are America's second biggest international
export commodity, contaminating the world whenever the message
is evil or base.
Satan's purpose is to corrupt God's creation, to make man into a degenerate brute
by breaking his relationship with God. He did this in Eden, and
he is doing this at present. By corrupting man's knowledge of the
plan of salvation, by creating other systems of belief, by promoting
the occult, by debasing man, he destroys our relationship with
God. There is so much dust flying in the air that the Son cannot
be seen and Satan's purpose of expanding the population of hell
with the unsaved is accomplished.
Nevertheless, the final victory is God's. The
destination of Satan and his angels is already preordained: "And the devil who deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone,
where the beast and the false prophet are also; and they will be
tormented day and night forever and ever" (Rev. 20:20; see also Matt. 25:41). |
Discernment |
Himself warns us in the Gospel of Matthew that in the latter days, "False christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders,
so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect. Behold, I have told
you in advance." (Matt. 24:24-25) Pursuant to this prophecy, if even the elect may be deceived,
how are we to know if we are worshipping a false Christ or a false
prophet? There are at least three methods we can use which should
all be used in conjunction with each other:
Obtain a basic understanding of God, His nature, His purpose
in creating man, the fall of man, redemption, and the
plan of salvation. By thoroughly grasping the consistency of the
preceding, we can generally spot the flaws of a counterfeit plan.
If we are still in the bondage of the occult, however, this may
not be clear. We have to first ask Jesus to become our Lord and
Savior in a simple prayer such as the following: |
Dear God, I know that I need you and I am separated from You. I also know and believe that you sent Your Son, Jesus Christ, to earth to die on the cross to pay the penalty for my sins. I now want to place my trust in Jesus Christ and accept His sacrifice on the cross. Let His blood wash away my sins. Give me eternal life forever as Your child. |
we have accepted Jesus, the Holy Spirit will come and dwell in us,
give us discernment and make the Bible clear to us. As the Holy Spirit
reveals areas in your life which have held you in bondage, you may
want to pray over them specifically and order the fallen angels controlling
those areas to leave, always doing so in the name of Jesus Christ: |
Lord, I confess to you the sin of I renounce this practice forever, and in the name of Jesus Christ I command the spirit of which may be oppressing me or possessing me to leave this very instant. I put on the full armor of the Living God and cover myself, my family, and my possessions with the blood of the Lamb. |
a group of Christians accompany you in this prayer can be of great
assistance. If you sense spiritual resistance, repeat the prayer.
If, after persistent prayer, you still feel spiritual resistance
or oppression, definitely have a pastor or other Christian pray
with you. "If therefore the Son shall make you free, you shall be free indeed" (John 8:36).
Destroy all books, statues, pictures, and objects associated with your false
teaching or occult experience. If you keep them, they will remain
vehicles for spiritual oppression. Establish new relationships
to reinforce the New Life dwelling in you. Attend a Bible-teaching
church, a weekly Bible study, and other Christian events.
2. Recognize false prophets by their "fruits." (Matthew
7:16: "You will know them by their fruits.") False prophets generally have major character flaws. They may talk about love
all day long, but easily lose their temper or act selfishly. They
may let their disciples starve while they own a fleet of Rolls
Royces. They may "talk the right talk," but not "walk the right walk." They may loot their ministry's funds to live in palatial homes, or they may
live immoral lives while presenting themselves as vestal virgins.
False religions and cults fall into the same category.
You should look at the lofty claims and goals your group may make
and how they are translated into people's lives.
3. Test the spirits. "Every
spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is
from God; and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from
God; and this is the spirit of antichrist" (1 John 4:2-3). If you are consulting spirit "guides" through channeling or spirit "friends" via visualization, ask them if Jesus Christ is their Lord and Master. Ask them
in the authority of the name of Jesus Christ who they serve. Keep
in mind that in the Church itself, there are individuals who knowingly
or unwittingly consult fallen angels and will present their guidance
and prophecies in a Christian cloak. There is only one Spirit Who
confesses Jesus Christ and that is the Holy Spirit. All spirits
should be tested whether they speak through a prophet, a guru,
a politician, or one who claims he is Christ himself. |
Nostradamus, and the Bible ~ Predictions of Michel de Nostredame,
Bible Prophecy & Astrological Predictions
Go to the Nostradamus, Astrology Predictions and Bible Prophecies Page |
& Astrological Predictions
Interestingly enough there are about 10,000 people who work fulltime in astrology
in the United States and 200,000 working part time (from the
book “Psychic Forces” by John Weldon and Clifford Wilson). The
Babylonians took astrology seriously in 3000 B.C. The ancients
believed that the power of the constellations affected the lives
of humans. Early Greek Zodiacs had thirteen signs including the
Contemporary astrology uses twelve constellations, which are known as the Zodiac.
They are Aries the Ram, Taurus the Bull, Gemini the Twins, Cancer
the Crab, Leo the Lion, Virgo the Virgin, Libra the Balance,
Scorpio the Scorpion, Sagittarius the Archer, Capricorn the Goat,
Aquarius the Water Bearer and Pisces the Fish.
There are two major schools in astrology... ... continued; Learn more about astrology, its' validity and the value of its

Nostradamus, the man and his predictions past and future put to the test
Nostradamus was an occult prophet who lived from 1503 to 1566. Michel de Nostredame
(or Notredame) was born in St. Remy, France to a family of Jews
who became Catholics. Although it is reported in several prominent
publications he took a medical degree at the University of Montpelier,
Peter Lemesurier in his excellent book “The Unknown Nostradamus”
documents that while Nostradamus applied for entrance at the
University of Montepelier in 1529, Guillaume Rondelet, the student
registrar, denied him enrolment in the student body for being
a “quack.” There is absolutely no record of his re-admission.
Having been denied admission he set to wander the highways and byways of Europe...
... continue to learn more about Nostradamus, the predictions of Nostradamus,
astrology, and Bible prophecy
Is Fleeting |
Thomas More, a Christian martyr at the time of Henry the VIII,
said, "A man does not merit the name of father who does not weep for the tears of his
children." God so loved the world that He wept for the tears of His children and He came
as a man to comfort them. God wants to reach out to all his children,
especially those who have gone astray. He wants to remove the blinders
of those who are deceived by the devil's fallen angels and bring
them into the true light of Jesus Christ.
Our lives are short, just passing ripples in a pond: |
The spring is past and yet it hath not sprung
The fruit is dead and yet the leaves be green
My youth is gone and yet I am but young
I saw the world and yet I was not seen
My thread is cut and yet it is not spun
And now I live and now my life is done. | | Of man's futile
striving, Solomon states (Eccles. 1:14): |
I have seen all the works which have been done under the sun, and behold, all is vanity and striving after wind. |
have seen the great men of the world come and go, their promises left
unfulfilled. We have seen the idols of the world and the gurus die like
all men. The Pharaohs of Egypt, men who would be gods, are blowing dust
in the desert.
David in the Psalms echoes a similar refrain (Psalm 103:15): |
As for man, his days are like grass;
As a flower of the field, so he flourishes.
When the wind has passed over it, it is no more. |
But, David
goes on to say in a verse full of eternal hope (Psalm 103:17), |
But the loving kindness of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting to those who fear Him. |
And the words
of Jesus, the Son of God, tell us how to grasp on to that hope: |
I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me shall live even if he dies. |
My prayer is that you grasp unto Him and never let go.  |
False Prophets of Mammon
...There are “false prophets” in ministry, as ministry work does not require a lot of overhead, except for those into earthly palaces. All a false prophet needs is a fast tongue and a gullible public...
... Is there corruption in today's Christian Churches? Is there a long Biblical history of false prophets in the ministry of the Church? Sherif Michael's most Blog Article: "False Prophets of Mammon" to find out more...
UFOs, What On Earth Are They?
I’ve been interested in UFO’s since I was a teenager. After reading extensively on the subject half a century ago, books such as “UFOs Serious Business” by Frank Edwards, considering recent revelations about official UFO sightings from credible US Navy sources, I revisited the subject. In brief here are some observations concerning UFOs:
Continue reading here. |
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