Is there a god?
Who is god? Is Jesus Christ the son of god? Looking information on
religion and religious beliefs like Islam compared to Christianity
or issues like creation vs. evolution, witches and witchcraft, yoga
theological corruption or for proof there is a god. Use these hyperlinks
to access EARTH HARVEST online bible based book of Christian apologetics.
of Contents for English Language
online bible based apologetics 
The Simplicity of God’s Plan For Eternal Life |
Detractors From the Simplicity of Salvation
Powerful Evidence For The Deity of Christ
Go to Rapture When? page 
... topics such as when will Jesus return, the apostasy, the mark of the beast, the Antichrist, the Great Tribulation, will the Church escape the tribulation, who are the “saints” and the “elect”, the issue of God’s wrath, Noah and Lot, the seven Churches in Revelation are all looked at...
Sherif Michael's Blog Pages
Jesus Christ, Buddha, and Plato
Go to Jesus Christ, Buddha, and Plato - Page 1 
Use the links below to go to individual topics on page 1 (links open new window):
Christian World View
Buddha’s World View
Hindu Basis of Buddha’s World View
The Upanishads
Altered States of Consciousness
Greek and Indian Roots of Doctrine of Reincarnation
Egypt and Reincarnation
Pythagoras, Plato and Reincarnation
Guatama Buddha and Reincarnation
Christian View of Reincarnation
Buddha’s Metaphysics
Plato and the Imprisonment of the Soul
The Allegory of the Cave
The Eastern Concept of Maya
Biblical Perspective On Maya
Go to Jesus Christ, Buddha, and Plato - Page 2 
Use the links below to go to individual topics on Page 2 (links open new window):
God Upholds His Creation
Recollection Resulting In Enlightenment
Concept of Forms
Plato’s Form of the Good
Augustine on Platonic Forms
Knowledge of the Eternal Forms
C.S. Lewis and the Moral Law
Forms and Biblical Revelation
Obtaining Knowledge, Christian View
The Triune God
Absolute Beauty
Enlightenment for Buddha
Belief and Subjective Experience
Augustine Builds on Plato's Foundation
Meditation, Prayer, and Mysticism
Jesus Claims Deity
Scientific Method
Go to Jesus Christ, Buddha, and Plato - Page 3

Use the links below to go to individual topics Page 3 (links open new window):
Ethics East and West
Man’s Nature, Christianity
Nature of the Soul - Buddha
Human Problem
Christianity: Human Problem Arises From Sin
Answer To the Human Problem (Salvation)
God's Election
God Is Light
New Bodies
Death of the Body and Passing into Eternal Life?
The Evidence for Christ
Scriptural Authority for the Triune God
Scriptural Authority for Jesus Christ as the Second Person In The Triune God
Scriptural Authority for the Holy Spirit as the Third Person In
Divine Attributes of the Holy Spirit
Divine Works of the Holy Spirit
Scriptural Associations of Father, Son and Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit Is God
God Is God
Scriptural Authority for Jesus Christ from Fulfilled Prophecy
The Prophetic Odds

2012 Predictions Pages, 
Astrology Forecasts, Bible Prophecies in 9 Languages
Jesus Christ is Born! 
Christmas Coloring Pages for Children in 6 Languages
The Da Vinci Code Truth, Biblical Proof
for answers to questions like: Is there a god? Who is god? Is Jesus Christ the Son of God? Was I created by god or evolved? What does
the bible say about witches, witchcraft, and the occult? How does
Islam differ from Christianity? How do New Age practices like yoga
and meditation fit in with Christianity? the answers are here on
this Christian Apologetics Website, EARTH HARVEST. The
purpose of this web site is to explore and answer eternal questions
such as: Is there a God? Who is God? What is the nature of
God? Is Jesus Christ the Son of God and as such God incarnate? Offering
proof that god does exist and exploring from a Christian perspective:
the issue of trust (faith), the Trinity,
experiences, witches and witchcraft, yoga, how New Age mysticism
has crept into Christianity, the lure of the New Age, signs and wonders,
the spirit of delusion, hearing from God, recognizing the Spirit of God,
being born again, acquiring new eternal
bodies after death, and what death holds for those who believe in Christ
and those who don't. Christianity's greatest proof, the resurrection
of Jesus the Christ, will be analyzed, as well as the numerous Messianic
prophecies which Jesus fulfilled and the odds of such prophecies being
realized by chance. The resurrection and these prophecies evidence the
existence of a God outside the dimensions of space and time. Finally
and most importantly, you will be shown how you can establish a personal
relationship with God. A comparison of creation and evolution is made
and the validity of the theory of evolution is investigated.This
web site is a work of apologetics or a presentation of
the beliefs and proofs of the Christian faith and their defense against
theological corruption.
Harvest by:
Sherif Michael
