there a God? Blog.
Miraculous Healings through Jesus Christ
I love the miracle stories stories from the New Testament, the ones about about the wonders that Jesus performed during his ministry on earth, especially the ones about miraculous healings and casting out of demons. I have a friend who with her husband greatly enjoys a yearly trek to Hawaii for a vacation. Some years back she fell ill and had to cancel her annual trip. The doctors diagnosed her with what they called a rare form of cancer with no known cure, said that it was most often terminal and offered no hope. My friend and her husband kept their faith. Christ and the Pastor of their Church, as well as many of the congregation, offered up prayers on her behalf. Her “rare form of cancer” miraculously disappeared and she remains cancer free and healthy to this day. It gives me great comfort to know that even though Christ ascended to heaven over 2,000 years ago, he still blesses us with his love and presence this way.
I have another friend who inspired by the Holy Spirit and knowledge he gained of miraculous healings while on a mission in Fiji wanted to document this phenomena and offer hope to those who might fall ill physically or spiritually and Sherif Michael’s booklet “Be Healed by the God Who Cares” has recently been released. It is intentionally a short and easy read and inexpensive too. Do you have a close friend or relative who is suffering spiritually or physically? Be Healed by the God Who Cares could make a thoughtful gift.
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"Be Healed by the God Who Cares": |
Sherif Michael has published a new book, “Be Healed by a God Who Cares”. This booklet is to offer help to those in need of both physical and/or spiritual healing; you can heal your life through Jesus Christ. This book looks at what the Bible teaches regarding healing, spiritual and physical and documents some modern day real life miraculous healings through Jesus…plus much much more. By faith all things are possible. The power rests not in the amount of faith we have, but in the object of our faith, a Person, the Second Person of the triune Godhead. It is the power in Christ which throws mountains into the sea, heals leprosy, heart disease, diabetes, AIDS, cancer and many other diseases and ailments. Our faith is a gift from a loving God, given to us through grace and it can be the purveyor of healing of many kinds.
"Be Healed by the God Who Cares" offers real hope to all those tormented from physical and spiritual illness. Jesus Christ, spent over forty percent of his earthly ministry healing the sick. The Gospel of Mark says that when the disciples preached the Word, the Lord confirmed the message by miraculous signs (Mark 16:20), including healings. This booklet preaches the Word. God, who upholds the universe instant by instant, is fully capable of confirming our message with physical healing, as he did in the times of the apostles.
Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life.” He urges us to believe his unique claim that He is the Son of God, God incarnate. By believing and trusting in Jesus Christ, we enter the dynamic, eternal relationship between the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit which is like a fountain of life: only then can we experience a true full life and healing.
“Everything is possible for one who believes.” said Jesus (Mk.9:23 NVI). The power rests not in the amount of faith we have, but in the object of our faith, Jesus Christ. It is the power in Christ which throws mountains into the sea, heals heart diabetes, disease, and cancer and even AIDS. Faith is a gift from a loving God, given to us through his grace and there is nothing we can do to earn it.
To help us believe in the claims of Jesus Christ and develop faith, interwoven in Be Healed by a God Who Cares are such topics as: the Moral Law as powerful evidence for the existence of a Moral Law Giver, God; the many prophecies made hundreds of years before his birth which Christ fulfilled; some of the claims made by Jesus Christ regarding his deity; the proofs for Christ’s bodily resurrection; and the testimony of present day healings.
About the Author Sherif A. Michael
What some readers have said about the book...
" A very readable, cool and clear introduction on the most vital subject. In this fine piece of work Sherif investigates the meaning and the reason for believing the Christian faith" – Dr. Steve Kumar
Dr Steve Kumar is an author, teacher, speaker, and apologist committed to answering the tough questions of the skeptics and equipping believers with the tools to think more clearly about their faith. He co-founded and was president of the New Zealand Evangelical Apologetics Society and has authored a number of books including Think Why You Believe, Answering the Counterfeit, and Christianity for the Skeptics.
"If you are seeking a book that will give ample amounts of inspiration and hope combined with a dash of apologetics, ‘Be Healed by the God Who Cares’ does just that, and more. Biblical wisdom is presented alongside classic philosophers and modern thinkers in a clear readable guide to finding spiritual solace and miraculous intervention."
"James Hirsen is a New York Times best-selling author, commentator, media analyst and law professor. He has penned the bestsellers, “Tales From the Left Coast” and “Hollywood Nation.” Hirsen teaches law at both Trinity Law School and Biola University in Southern California. He is admitted to practice in the California and Washington, D.C. Bar Associations as well as the U.S. Court of International Trade. He is also admitted to practice in the U.S. Supreme Court and has made several appearances there on various landmark decisions. Hirsen is the co-founder and Chief Legal Counsel for, a legal think tank and educational institute for the study of law in the media."
read the booklet free online
"Be Healed by the God Who Cares" Chapter 1, Healing Defined:
SPIRITUAL VERSUS PHYSICAL HEALING: The purpose of this booklet is to give hope to all those suffering from spiritual and/or physical illness. Many who read this booklet hold a deep desire to be healed. Yet there are different types of healing. Through Christ we can all receive spiritual healing. If we believe in Christ, he takes away the penalty of our sinful nature, and we undergo a spiritual rebirth. This metamorphosis of the spirit into a new nature is spiritual healing. It leads, as will be explained, to eternal life. It is a free gift from God to everyone who asks for it. All we need to do is humble ourselves and ask. But, let’s face it, many readers are primarily seeking physical healing. It is normal to long for physical healing, whether or not you believe in eternal life. So, why should you read this booklet, which is also about spiritual healing, if your main desire is physical healing?
For one, it is generally recognized that spiritual health often affects physical health. We are whole human beings and what affects us spiritually and emotionally can have a very real effect on our physical bodies. If we are stressed, or harbor unforgiveness or malice toward ourselves or others, it may manifest itself in physical ways. Why not ensure your spiritual health in order to allow your body to work at an optimum level while fighting your physical illness? Secondly, serious physical illness brings us face to face with death and what lies beyond. It requires that we come to terms with our body’s weakness and our fleeting existence on this earth. Therefore, it prompts us to consider or reconsider the spiritual and the eternal, and, from an eternal perspective, spiritual healing trumps physical healing.
Nevertheless, the triune God, through his Spirit, can also heal us from physical illness. Christ, the Second person in the triune Godhead, spent over forty percent of his earthly ministry healing the sick. We are told in the gospel of Mark that when the disciples preached the Word of God, signs and wonders, including healing, accompanied their preaching (Mark 16:20).
So, physical healing comes with the preaching of the Word. However, the Word is primarily preached for salvation, not for physical healing. The rest of this booklet provides some basic information from God’s Word on healing. ...continue with chapter 1, online free html |
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"Jesus Christ, Buddha and Plato" Blog Article Introduction: |
With respect to man’s quest for meaning and salvation, there are two major belief systems in our twenty first century. One originates with God and the other originates in man. One comes from divine revelation, one comes from personal “enlightenment.” One is God centered, and one is man centered. One deifies God; one deifies man. Both present formidable arguments and are based on their own foundational suppositions. The two belief systems are Christianity and the teachings of Buddha...
Continue this article: "Jesus Christ, Buddha, and Plato".
Looking for answers to questions like: Is there a god? Who is god? Is Jesus Christ
the Son of God? Was I created by god or evolved? What does the bible
say about witches, witchcraft, and the occult? How does Islam differ
from Christianity? How do New Age practices like yoga and meditation
fit in with Christianity? the answers are here on this Christian Apologetics
purpose of this web site is to explore and answer eternal questions
such as: Is there a God? Who is God? What is the nature of
God? Is Jesus Christ the Son of God and as such God incarnate? Offering
proof that god does exist and exploring from a Christian perspective:
the issue of trust (faith), the Trinity,
experiences, witches and witchcraft, yoga, how New Age mysticism
has crept into Christianity, the lure of the New Age, signs and wonders,
the spirit of delusion, hearing from God, recognizing the Spirit of God,
being born again, acquiring new eternal
bodies after death, and what death holds for those who believe in Christ
and those who don't. Christianity's greatest proof, the resurrection
of Jesus the Christ, will be analyzed, as well as the numerous Messianic
prophecies which Jesus fulfilled and the odds of such prophecies being
realized by chance. The resurrection and these prophecies evidence the
existence of a God outside the dimensions of space and time. Finally
and most importantly, you will be shown how you can establish a personal
relationship with God. A comparison of creation and evolution is made
and the validity of the theory of evolution is investigated.This
web site is a work of apologetics or a presentation of
the beliefs and proofs of the Christian faith and their defense against
theological corruption. Extensive reference is made to Mere
Christianity, written by C.S. Lewis, professor of classics at
Cambridge University, former agnostic, and prolific writer and Christian
apologist, who had a unique gift of explaining important issues simply
and clearly.
Harvest by:
Sherif Michael