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伊斯蘭教禱告; 比濕奴; 豬 伊斯蘭教; 印度教; 耶穌 失蹤 記載; 騎著驢; 基督教与其他宗教的不同; 伊斯蘭教與基督教的不同之處。 Is there a god?Who
is god? Who is Jesus Christ? Is Jesus Christ the son of
god, the Messiah?
beliefs, belief, religion, religions, other, islam, landscapes, compared,
compared to, in, on, about, how, avatars, reincarnation, love, bible, bibles,
koran, god, deity, jesus, christ, Jesus Christ, perspective, prophet, prophets,
prophecy, prophesied , prophecies, christian, christianity, proof, evidence,
exists, existence, agrees, agreement, islam, islamic, allah, mohamed, krishna,
hindu, hindus, buddha, moses, mohammed, christianity verses islam, christianity
to islam, old testament, new testament, koran, incarnation, incarnate, man,
mankind, religion, religious, world religions, earth, world, king, kings,
roman, romans, jew, jews, pilate, judas,
king of the jews, truth, light, dark, darkness, miracle, miracles, wonderful
counselor, prince of peace, teacher, rabbi, blood, flesh, verses, versus,
vs, vs., proof, heaven,
hell, apologetic, apologetics, belief, beliefs, life, death, resurrection,
shepherd, crucifixion, crucifixions, crucify, karma,
avatar, spiritual, godhead. rama, salvation, saves, saved, abortion, forgiveness,
forgives, prayer, protector, life. eternal life, mecca, suras, prayer, prayers,
angel, angels, eternity, judgment, trinity, father, son, holy ghost, holy
spirit, revelation, gospel, gospels, cross, corrupt, corruption, sin, sins,
sinfulness, cross, orderly, judgment.
